Sunday, February 20, 2011

Broncos Stadium Tour - Saturday, February 19th

In looking for something different to do with 5 sports minded boys and 8 adults, we decided to venture up to Invesco Field for a tour of the stadium.

While waiting for the start of the tour, the boys found the room full of uniforms that they could wear.
Garret is ready to play!
Konnor is ready for some action!

Cute Quinn will stand in front of the Broncos jersey, but he still loves the Saints!
Owen and Hunter - quite the gear!
Anyone want to go up against this guy? Go Hunter!
Who wants to take on Owen?
The tour was quite interesting and we were able to see lots of different parts of the stadium. We learned that  it costs $12,500 to rent a party suite for one game for 30 people. That's before the food and drinks. We were thinking about getting one for Owen's 6th birthday in the fall, but unfortunately there is a multi year waiting list. Sorry Owen!

Visitor's Locker Room - This crew will scare them all away!

On the field - Daale's and Gopal's.
Ready to play - unfortunately the memo didn't make it to Tebow and Bailey! 

The Adams' attempt at a family picture - maybe next time?

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

It was Barbara's birthday last weekend and the boys wanted to make it extra special. When she and John left for a breakfast outing, we got to work decorating their place with balloons and her special birthday banner. The boys then got to work on wrapping her present and creating a special book of certificates. We all enjoyed having Barbara and John here for her birthday and we look forward to continuing the festivities with John's birthday this week!

Grammy's Homemade Birthday Sign
Yoga Time
Garret and Owen created a book of gift certificates - it  was a little bit of a challenge to come up with ideas that they could "give" Grammy without costing anything. We discovered that was kind of a tough concept. They wanted to write "Play a game with you" - except, that's what Grammy does all day long! They decided on things like bake cookies for you, out on a puppet show, do a dance for you, make your bed... all things that will make Grammy happy!

Warriors in action
Who knew a yoga mat would keep two boys occupied for quite some time?
Happy Birthday, Grammy! We hope you had a great day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Peter Pan - The Costume that Can Not Be OUTGROWN!

Garret and Owen love Peter Pan! It's been that way since before Garret was 2. We have books, movies, puppets, play figures, the new'ish novels by Dave Barry, and best of all, this well worn green costume. On Garret's first trip to Disneyland, when he was just over two and I was pregnant with Owen, my mom found this costume and insisted that our little "Peter Pan" have it. I balked at the price (err - it's Disneyland), questioned its quality, and wondered if Garret would ever put it on? We then walked the park for an appropriate sword (is there such a thing for a two year old?) and found the Mad Hatter where they would stitch his name next to the big red feather. While it took Garret a while to want to wear it, he finally decided it was worthy to be his Peter Pan costume. Boy was it worthy! After serving as Garret's costume for three Halloween, not to mention the thousands of battles with Captain Hook, Garret out grew the trusty green outfit and it was handed down to Owen. He received a hat and sword on his first Disneyland adventure and took off for Neverland just like a pro. 
We never fail to laugh when Peter Pan is around. When Owen pulled out the costume last week, dusted off his sword, and smoothed out his red feather, I just had to take a picture. I love this costume and all of the memories that come with it. Here are just a few...

 2005 - Garret, 2 1/2, the day before Owen was born. I think he heard who was coming and was headed to Neverland!
 Peter welcomes "Nana the Dog"
 Peter is off to Trick or Treat
2006 - Garret - 3 1/2, yep, he's Peter again!
2007 -  Garret 4 1/2 - Once again he's Peter Pan. But this time he's with a Peacock!
 2008 - That's Owen in the Peter Pan costume this time. They are reverse Trick or Treating with Great Grandma Mary in Phoenix. They knocked on doors and handed out candy!

2009 and 2010 - Peter Pan took a break from Halloween. But he was well used for dressing up all year. 

 2011 - Owen digs Peter Pan out of the costume bin. It's a tad small and looking a little worse for wear, but he didn't care. With his hat and sword he was off to find Captain Hook!

Garret's Book Report

Garret's second book report was on a non fiction book. He chose "The Denver Broncos Football Team" - surprise! He wrote about several interesting facts and then made an awesome football field in a t-shirt box. He and Grammy dyed some shredded coconut green for the field and cut out lots of comics and pictures from the paper for the "fans." He included a groundhog and  Abe Lincoln among the Broncos' loyal in the crowd. He then made two goalposts out of pipe cleaners and glued down some plastic football figures. For the outside, he printed out several pictures of Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego - the site for the Broncos Super Bowl victory in 1998! Way to go Garret!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bowling on Snow Day #2 - February 2, 2011

On Day #2 of "It's too cold for school" we headed to the bowling alley. The boys were excited to get out of the house without having to go to the gym and Grammy and I were ready for some fun! I think I could get used to the "bumper bowling" - I was so good that I didn't even get one gutter ball! We had fun watching the two boys and their totally opposite personalities. Garret was a little grumpy at the start because he couldn't get a strike and Owen was grumpy because I wouldn't give him money for the vending machine. They both got over it and had a good time. We have big plans to continue our bowling games on the Wii later this afternoon - do they have bumpers?

 Let's Bowl!
 Owen is a very patient bowler...
 He got a strike!
 This is for Umpa Tom - O stands just like him!
 Garret loves to bowl, but hates to lose.  
The leg should help get that last pin...

Wow! That's a lot of food...

11 chicken nuggets! We are used to Garret's large consumption of food, but we thought we were safe with Owen. Not so much when it comes to some yummy, somewhat good for you, nuggets. He was pretty proud of himself.

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