Sunday, February 20, 2011

Broncos Stadium Tour - Saturday, February 19th

In looking for something different to do with 5 sports minded boys and 8 adults, we decided to venture up to Invesco Field for a tour of the stadium.

While waiting for the start of the tour, the boys found the room full of uniforms that they could wear.
Garret is ready to play!
Konnor is ready for some action!

Cute Quinn will stand in front of the Broncos jersey, but he still loves the Saints!
Owen and Hunter - quite the gear!
Anyone want to go up against this guy? Go Hunter!
Who wants to take on Owen?
The tour was quite interesting and we were able to see lots of different parts of the stadium. We learned that  it costs $12,500 to rent a party suite for one game for 30 people. That's before the food and drinks. We were thinking about getting one for Owen's 6th birthday in the fall, but unfortunately there is a multi year waiting list. Sorry Owen!

Visitor's Locker Room - This crew will scare them all away!

On the field - Daale's and Gopal's.
Ready to play - unfortunately the memo didn't make it to Tebow and Bailey! 

The Adams' attempt at a family picture - maybe next time?

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