Garret, Owen and Meg drove down to Albuquerque on June 20th. With the car packed to the brim with snacks, movies, DS games, chargers, pillows, blankets, etc. we pulled out of the driveway and let the voice of "Amy," our GPS navigator, guide us south. We stayed with Umpa Tom for the first part of the week. He has a fabulous pool at his place that the boys love. Nana was staying there too and Uncle Buddy was over for visits, so the boys were thrilled to see some favorite faces! I think they were in the pool two different times in the first 3 hours we were there. We managed to cram a lot into our week long visit. While I'm getting better about taking the camera with me on our adventures, I have some work to do on actually taking the pictures!
Grampa's pool - his apartment deck is the one on the right at the top of the picture. (I borrowed this picture from the apartment website - so I can't change the size)
On Tuesday we went to the Isotopes baseball game. Meg, Garret, Brendan (Buddy), Umpa Tom, Kari, and John braved the heat and the late night. Nana Kris and Owen had a date night with a Scooby Doo Movie and some Mac and Cheese. We joined Autumn and her two oldest, Thomas and Lauren. While the kids don't get to see each other too often, they jumped right back in to things to talk about and had a blast sitting right next to the 'Topes dugout.
On Thursday, we picked Brendan up at the airport and headed over to the Albuquerque Aquarium. The McCarthy's met us there are we began our exciting adventure of feeding the various fish thanks to Kari and John. We just missed "Mermaid Kari" diving in the tank, but we enjoyed our VIP tour!

We headed over to our old neighborhood on Thursday afternoon to swim and spend some time with the Rainwaters. Oh how we miss our spontaneous gatherings with these great friends! The boys jumped right in the pool and along with Claire stayed in the water the rest of the day while we enjoyed some fresh Sangria and our treasured chats. We ordered Gardunos for dinner and ate, drank, and visited until the kids turned to prunes at about 9:00!
Friday it was time to pack up, say goodbye to friends and head up to Santa Fe for the wedding. Nels and Faith planned and organized an amazing weekend and we were looking forward to sharing their day with them. A wedding blog post will follow...
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