Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Peter Pan - The Costume that Can Not Be OUTGROWN!

Garret and Owen love Peter Pan! It's been that way since before Garret was 2. We have books, movies, puppets, play figures, the new'ish novels by Dave Barry, and best of all, this well worn green costume. On Garret's first trip to Disneyland, when he was just over two and I was pregnant with Owen, my mom found this costume and insisted that our little "Peter Pan" have it. I balked at the price (err - it's Disneyland), questioned its quality, and wondered if Garret would ever put it on? We then walked the park for an appropriate sword (is there such a thing for a two year old?) and found the Mad Hatter where they would stitch his name next to the big red feather. While it took Garret a while to want to wear it, he finally decided it was worthy to be his Peter Pan costume. Boy was it worthy! After serving as Garret's costume for three Halloween, not to mention the thousands of battles with Captain Hook, Garret out grew the trusty green outfit and it was handed down to Owen. He received a hat and sword on his first Disneyland adventure and took off for Neverland just like a pro. 
We never fail to laugh when Peter Pan is around. When Owen pulled out the costume last week, dusted off his sword, and smoothed out his red feather, I just had to take a picture. I love this costume and all of the memories that come with it. Here are just a few...

 2005 - Garret, 2 1/2, the day before Owen was born. I think he heard who was coming and was headed to Neverland!
 Peter welcomes "Nana the Dog"
 Peter is off to Trick or Treat
2006 - Garret - 3 1/2, yep, he's Peter again!
2007 -  Garret 4 1/2 - Once again he's Peter Pan. But this time he's with a Peacock!
 2008 - That's Owen in the Peter Pan costume this time. They are reverse Trick or Treating with Great Grandma Mary in Phoenix. They knocked on doors and handed out candy!

2009 and 2010 - Peter Pan took a break from Halloween. But he was well used for dressing up all year. 

 2011 - Owen digs Peter Pan out of the costume bin. It's a tad small and looking a little worse for wear, but he didn't care. With his hat and sword he was off to find Captain Hook!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Now who's the super blogger!? I loved reading this...makes me miss you guys and remember all the fun we had when the boys were little.

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